Brief NewsLu Yongxiang Meets Yuji Miyamoto On the afternoon of Mar. 20, Lu Yongxiang, President of CAS, met with Mr. Yuji Miyamoto, Japanese Ambassador to China in Beijing. Mr. Lu expressed that the basic research institutes and applied technology R&D institutions, etc. in Japan and CAS had made long-term exchanges and cooperation for more than thirty years. In recent ten years, CAS also conducted some substantial cooperation with Japanese transnational corporations, such as building joint labs and setting up joint ventures in China. In the last several years, the number of researchers of CAS dispatched to Japan has been maintained over 1,200 person-times each year, while that of Japanese researches to CAS is about 1,000 person times. Shi Erwei Meets Hayashi Ukihide On Mar. 25, Shi Erwei, Vice President of CAS, met with Hayashi Ukihide, appraiser (vice minister level) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Japan and his entourage. Both parties highly commented the achievements obtained during the last several workshops sponsored in joint hands of the both parties and hoped that they could make unanimous efforts to promote the continuous development of S&T in the two countries. After friendly discussion, both parties agreed to jointly hold the Fifth Sino-Japanese Seminar on Scientific and Technological Strategies and Policies in China in a later period of time this year. Li Jiayang Meets Chairman of CODATA Nomination Committee On Mar. 20, Li Jiayang, Vice President of CAS, met with Shuichi Iwata, Chairman of the International Committee on Data for S&T (CODATA) Nomination Commission and Professor of Tokyo University, Japan, and his entourage, who exchanged views on the cooperation between CAS and CODATA and nomination of officials for the new session of CODATA, etc. Ding Zhongli Meets Lesley Johnson On the afternoon of Mar. 19, Ding Zhongli, Vice President of CAS, met with Ms. Lesley Johnson, Vice President of Griffith University, Australia, and her entourage. Both parties exchanged the opinions on enhancing their cooperation in climate change adaptability, education program for doctoral students by joint efforts, etc., and held discussions on setting up Sino-Australian Climate Change Adaptability Research Center. Both parties proposed to put it on the agenda for the Fifth Sino-Australian Seminar on S&T. ?Special Interview to Purple Mountain Observatory by Science On Mar. 7, the 319th Issue of Science carried an article entitled Preparing for Doomsday written by Richard Stone, Asian News Editor of Science, after his special interview to the Xuyu Station of the Purple Mountain Observatory. This article gives a detailed description of the near-earth object exploration project of the Purple Mountain Observatory and the Pan STARRS and LSST Plans to be carried out by US, which was one of the special articles that was published by Science after its Asian Office was moved from Bangkok to Beijing and the Chinese Office was set up in October 2007. Li Jinghai Present at Sino-U. K. Seminar Upon proposal of the Royal Society, U. K., a high-level Sino-U. K. Seminar on Solar Energy was held in Beijing on Mar. 2nd to 3rd. Li Jinghai, Vice President of CAS, attended and addressed the seminar. More than 30 experts and scholars from the research institutes, colleges and universities of China and U. K. were present at the seminar. During the seminar, the experts from both parties exchanged the latest achievements in fields of solar cell technology and had discussions on the research of silicon material purification technology, new generation of solar film cell and the third generation super effective solar cell, application of solar cell in construction and hydrogen manufacturing by solar energy, etc. Council of Science in China & Chinese Science Bulletin Formed On March 21, the Inaugural Meeting of the Council of Science in China and Chinese Science Bulletin as well as the First Council Meeting was held in Beijing. Lu Yongxiang, President and member of CAS, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. The two journals were both established in 1950, and have so far published large amounts of remarkable home-grown achievements by Chinese scientists. 30th Anniversary for USTC Juvenile Classes Solemnly Held On the morning of Mar. 22, the University of Science and Technology of China solemnly held the ceremony to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the setup of the Juvenile Classes. On the high initiative and energetic support of famous scientists, like T. D. Lee, C. N. Yang, Samuel Chao Chung Ting, etc., and with the strong back-up and promotion of the leaders of China, like Deng Xiaoping, Fang Yi , etc., UTSC set up Juvenile Classes in March 1978, with the purpose of exploring the rule to cultivate excellent talents in China and train outstanding personnel in the fields of S&T, etc. Prof. Zhu Qingshi, President of the university, pointed out that the Juvenile Classes boast the model of the innovation spirit in UTSC and is just like a gemstone on the honorary crown of the university. Liu Dongsheng, Member of CAS, Passed Away Prof. Liu Dongsheng, veteran member of CAS, member of the Academy a sciences for the Developing Countries(TWAS) and International Eurasian Academy of Science, Secretary of the third China Association for S&T Secretariat, Ex-director of the Experts Group of the Environmental Protection Committee of the State Council, Ex-chairman of the International Union for Quaternary Research, Honorary Director of Chinese Association for Quaternary Research, Honorary President of the Institute of Earth Environment, CAS, first-grade research fellow of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, CAS, world-famous expert on Quaternary geo-environment and winner of National Supreme S&T Award, passed away in Beijing at 11:52, Mar. 6, 2008 at the age of 91.
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