No. 91

October 2013

Headline News Innovation and Development

Applied Technology

Basic Science

Cooperation between CAS and Local Authorities

Bioscience International Cooperation Brief News Geoscience Hightlight Events
Headline News

Bai Chunli Meets with Atta-ur-Rahman

CAS President Bai Chunli met with Atta-ur-Rahman, visiting President of Pakistani Academy of Sciences (PAS) and Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Muhammad Asghar, Rector of the National University of Science and Technology (NUST)on Sep.3. Bai briefed the Pakistani guests about the research progress of CAS, and expressed that the relevant research institutions of CAS will establish joint research centers with NUST to further the existing cooperation. Bay introduced specifically the CAS-TWAS Fellowship Program, and hoped to enroll more students from Pakistan. Rector Asghar agreed with Bai’s proposal and expressed that NUST would work closely with the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences to further the bilateral cooperation in research and education.

Bai Chunli Meets with NASA Administrator

On Sep. 25, Bai Chunli met with Charles F. Bolden, Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and his delegation. Both sides exchanged views frankly on the future concrete cooperation in the relevant fields. Bai introduced about the CAS pioneering projects in space science and hope to strengthen cooperation in such fields. Charles expressed that NASA has attached great importance to the cooperation with CAS, and wished to widen the cooperation in fields such as space geodecy and earth observation and relevant scientific projects. The main purpose of NASA delegation for the visit was to attend the 64th International Astronautical Congress held in Beijing.

Great Breakthrough Made in Ghost Imaging System

Great breakthroughs have been made in the project “research of remote sensing ghost imaging technologies (phase I)” carried out by the Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics and University of Science and Technology of China, CAS. The project aims at developing a new remote sensing (RS) ghost imaging (GI) technology system. Experiments are carried out for testing and demonstration of the capability of RS-GI as a high resolution RS imaging technique, showing that the theoretical limits of imaging resolution and image acquisition efficiency of the traditional techniques can be broken with RS-GI using lasers and microwaves. In this project, several breakthroughs have been made: 1. The first engineering/principle prototype of 3D laser ghost imaging system (also called “single-pixel 3D camera”) is successfully built and 3D imaging experiments of real scenarios are carried out for the first time in the world with other experiments performed during day and night under typical weather conditions including clear, rain, cloud and fog;2. Ghost imaging using sunlight is demonstrated in principle; the first phase-mask based single-shot ghost imaging spectral imaging system is designed and built; the feasibility of single-photon compressive sensing imaging is theoretically studied and experimentally tested.;3. Concerning the GI using microwaves, the theoretical system of microwave gazing (MWG) GI is primarily established; the first MWG-GI system is built,and using this system 10-times super-resolution imaging at a distance of 100 meters is successfully demonstrated for the first time in the world, verifying the theory of MWG-GI; quality index system of images from MWG-GI is also developed.

Other Issues
Ninetieth Issue (August 2013)
Eighty-ninth Issue (June 2013)
Eighty-eighth Issue (April 2013)
Eighty-sixth Issue (February 2013)
Eighty-fifth Issue (December 2012)
Eighty-forth Issue (October 2012)
Eighty-third Issue (August 2012)
Eighty-second Issue (June 2012)
Eighty-first Issue (April 2012)
Eightieth Issue (February 2012)
Seventy-ninth Issue (December 2011)
Seventy-eighth Issue (October 2011)
Seventy-seventh Issue (August 2011)
Seventy-sixth Issue (June 2011)
Seventy-fifth Issue (April 2011)
Seventy-forth Issue (February 2011)
Seventy-third Issue (December 2010)
Seventy-second Issue (October 2010)
Seventy-first Issue (August 2010)
Seventieth Issue (June 2010)
Sixty-nineth Issue (April 2010)
Sixty-eighth Issue (February 2010)

Sixty-seventh Issue (December 2010)

Sixty-sixth Issue (October 2009)
Sixty-fifth Issue (August 2009)
Sixty-fourth Issue (June 2009)
Sixty-third Issue (April 2009)
Sixty-second Issue (February 2009)
Sixty-first Issue (December 2008)
Sixtieth Issue (October 2008)
Fifty-nineth Issue (August 2008)
Fifty-eighth Issue (June 2008)
Fifty-seventh Issue (April 2008)
Fifty-sixth Issue (February 2008)

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