No. 80

February 2012

Headline News Innovation and Development

Applied Technology

Basic Science Cooperation between CAS and Local Authorities
Bioscience International Cooperation Brief News Geoscience
Headline News

Bai Chunli Meets Helmut Denk

Bai Chunli, President of CAS met with Dr. Helmut Denk, the visiting President of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (AAS) and his entourage on Dec. 9, 2011. They both witnessed the signing of a cooperation agreement between the University of Science and Technology of China (UTSC) and the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI) by Prof. Pan Jianwei and Prof. Anton Zeilinger regarding intercontinental quantum key distribution based on secure relay. Bai confirmed that the signed agreement will surely promote the close partner relationship on a long term basis between the two research bodies. Dr. Denk held that both AAS and CAS are institutions with research entities, and believed that the two academies will build even closer relations in the future. Dr. Arnold Suppan, AAS Vice President was also present in relevant activities.

New CAS Members Elected for 2011

The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) announced on Dec. 9, 2011 that 51 new CAS Members have been elected. The dilatation has taken the total number of CAS's members to 727. The newly recruited members have an average age of 52.6. In the meantime, nine foreign scientists, including three Nobel Laureates, were elected CAS foreign members. The three Nobel Prize winners are American Physicist David Gross from California University Santa Barbara, Israeli Chemist Avram Hershko from the Israel Institute of Technology (TECHNION) and Japanese Chemist Ryoji Noyori from RIKEN. Other foreign members elected include Francois Mathey from Zhengzhou University of China and Nanyang Technological University of Singapore (NTU), Muming Poo from the CAS Institute of Neuroscience/California University Berkley, Robverta L. Rudnick from the Maryland University, Bede Liu from the Princeton University, Sumio Iijima from the Meijo University, Nagoya, Japan and D. Roger J. Owen from the University of Wales, Swansea of UK.

Other Issues
Seventy-ninth Issue (December 2011)
Seventy-eighth Issue (October 2011)
Seventy-seventh Issue (August 2011)
Seventy-sixth Issue (June 2011)
Seventy-fifth Issue (April 2011)
Seventy-forth Issue (February 2011)
Seventy-third Issue (December 2010)
Seventy-second Issue (October 2010)
Seventy-first Issue (August 2010)
Seventieth Issue (June 2010)
Sixty-nineth Issue (April 2010)
Sixty-eighth Issue (February 2010)

Sixty-seventh Issue (December 2010)

Sixty-sixth Issue (October 2009)
Sixty-fifth Issue (August 2009)
Sixty-fourth Issue (June 2009)
Sixty-third Issue (April 2009)
Sixty-second Issue (February 2009)
Sixty-first Issue (December 2008)
Sixtieth Issue (October 2008)
Fifty-nineth Issue (August 2008)
Fifty-eighth Issue (June 2008)
Fifty-seventh Issue (April 2008)
Fifty-sixth Issue (February 2008)
Fifty-fifth Issue (December 2007)
Fifty-fourth Issue (October 2007)
Fifty-third Issue (August 2007)
Fifty-second Issue (June 2007)
Fifty-first Issue (April 2007)
Fiftith Issue (Feb. 2007)
Fourty-nineth Issue (December, 2006)
Fourty-eighth Issue (Ocboter, 2006)
Fourty-seventh Issue (August, 2006)
Fourty-sixth Issue (June, 2006)
Fourty-fifth Issue (April, 2006)
Fourty-fourth Issue (February, 2006)

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