No. 78

October 2011

Headline News Innovation and Development

Applied Technology

Basic Science Cooperation between CAS and Local Authorities
Bioscience International Cooperation Brief News Geoscience

Brief News

Bai Chunli Meets Juergen Mlynek

Bai Chunli, President of CAS, met with Juergen Mlynek, President of the German Helmholtz Association, and his entourage on Aug. 23. Bai suggested that the cooperation in fields of energy, geo-environment, health, material structure and traffic, etc. should be further strengthened by the two parties. Mlynek confirmed that the subordinate research institutions of the Helmholtz Association are considered as the German national labs, which are equipped with large scientific facilities aimed to fulfill the research targets guided by the German national requirements. Thus, the Helmholtz Association and CAS can be developed into even closer partners, added he. The discussion was concluded with the signing of Cooperation Agreement on Joint Organizing of Partner Research Groups by CAS-Helmholtz Association.

Bai Chunli Meets Nobel Prize Laureats

Bai Chunli, President of CAS and Executive Chairman of the Presidium of Academic Divisions of CAS, met with Hartmut Michel, Foreign Member of CAS, Nobel Prize laureate in Chemistry of 1988, who is from the German Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, and Ferid Murad, Foreign Member of CAS, Nobel Prize Laureate in physiology or Medicine, who is physician and pharmacologist from the Houston Medical College of Texas State University on Sep. 30. During the meeting, Bai Chunli granted the Certificate of CAS Foreign Member to Dr. Ferid Murad.

Li Jiayang Visits Australia

Li Jiayang, Vice President of CAS headed a delegation to visit Australia from Aug. 15 to 19. During their visit, they attended the Second Joint Committee of Strategic Cooperation between CAS and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), and a joint statement was made based on a series of consensus regarding selection and funding of projects in 4 major fields of agriculture, health, materials and climate change for the period of 2011-2012. Patricia Kelly, Deputy Secretary of the Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research (DIISR), and Megan Clark, Chief Executive and CSIRO Board member, met the delegation specifically in Sidney, and expressed that they fully seconded the strategic cooperation between CSIRO and CAS.

Li Jinghai Meets Arthur Ruf

Li Jinghai, Vice President of CAS, met visiting Arthur Ruf, Vice President of the Swiss Academy of Engineering on Aug. 12. They focused their discussion on the organizing and preparation of the World Resource Forum 2012. In addition, they exchanged views on the cooperation between the two organizations regarding the topics of general interests, e.g. food security, etc.

Zhan Wenlong Visits Taiwan

Zhan Wenlong, Vice President of CAS, headed a delegation to attend the First S&T Exchange Forum for Enterprises Across the Strait from Aug. 8 to 13, which was sponsored by CAS, and Industrial Technology Research Institute and Academia Sinica of Taiwan. At the conference between CAS and Academia Sinica, consensus was reached regarding future periodically conducting of the Forum, joint development of research projects and exchange of personnel. It was also decided that the Forum will be held in turn by CAS and the Industrial Technology Research Institute in the future.

Other Issues
Seventy-seventh Issue (August 2011)
Seventy-sixth Issue (June 2011)
Seventy-fifth Issue (April 2011)
Seventy-forth Issue (February 2011)
Seventy-third Issue (December 2010)
Seventy-second Issue (October 2010)
Seventy-first Issue (August 2010)
Seventieth Issue (June 2010)
Sixty-nineth Issue (April 2010)
Sixty-eighth Issue (February 2010)

Sixty-seventh Issue (December 2010)

Sixty-sixth Issue (October 2009)
Sixty-fifth Issue (August 2009)
Sixty-fourth Issue (June 2009)
Sixty-third Issue (April 2009)
Sixty-second Issue (February 2009)
Sixty-first Issue (December 2008)
Sixtieth Issue (October 2008)
Fifty-nineth Issue (August 2008)
Fifty-eighth Issue (June 2008)
Fifty-seventh Issue (April 2008)
Fifty-sixth Issue (February 2008)
Fifty-fifth Issue (December 2007)
Fifty-fourth Issue (October 2007)
Fifty-third Issue (August 2007)
Fifty-second Issue (June 2007)
Fifty-first Issue (April 2007)
Fiftith Issue (Feb. 2007)
Fourty-nineth Issue (December, 2006)
Fourty-eighth Issue (Ocboter, 2006)
Fourty-seventh Issue (August, 2006)
Fourty-sixth Issue (June, 2006)
Fourty-fifth Issue (April, 2006)
Fourty-fourth Issue (February, 2006)

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