Lu Yongxiang Visits CAS Shanghai Branch
On Feb. 22, Lu Yongxiang inspected the Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology under the Shanghai Institutes of Biological Sciences, CAS. He emphasized that the Institutes should be aware of the rare opportunities for development and serious challenges that we are currently facing, and orient itself with a view of national strategic demands and CAS's overall development; the research efforts should be more forward looking, while basic research should be organically combined with practical applications; |
The composition of talents should be optimized, and an environment conductive to the growth of young scientists should be unremittingly cultivated, so as to give full play to the function of young talents.
In the afternoon the same day, in his visit to Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry (SIOC), Lu Yongxiang pointed out that, with a sound foundation, SIOC should not be satisfied with minor progress. Instead, it should be soberly aware of the speedy developments at home and abroad, seize the opportunity, and accelerate its own growth. Lu further stressed three points to SIOC: Firstly, SIOC shall put in more efforts to make its research more scientific, systematic and basic; Secondly, in terms of meeting national strategic demands, SIOC shall, by further deliberation and refinement, strive to make significant contributions that may promote the progress of human civilization, and leave substantial heritage in the development history of chemistry. Thirdly, SIOC shall keep pace with time in terms of research means, methods, organizational structure, as well as institutional mechanism.

The Sixth IAC Board Meeting Held
From Jan. 31 to Feb. 2, 2006, the sixth IAC Board Meeting was held in Amsterdam, capital of the Netherlands. As IAC co-chair, President Lu Yongxiang, attended the meeting and co-hosted the Board Meeting with Prof. Bruce Alberts, the other IAC co-chair and former president of the National Academy of Sciences of USA.

Other Issues |
Fifteenth Issue (Spring 2000) |
Sixteenth Issue (Summer 2000) |
Seventeenth Issue (Autumn 2000) |
Eighteenth Issue (Winter 2000) |
Nineteenth Issue (Spring 2001) |
Twentith Issue (Summer 2001) |
Twenty-first Issue (Autumn 2001) |
Twenty-second Issue (Winter 2001) |
Twenty-third Issue (Spring 2002) |
Twenty-forth Issue (Summer 2002) |
Twenty-fifth Issue (Autumn 2002) |
Twenty-sixth Issue (Winter 2002) |
Twenty-seventh Issue (Spring, 2003) |
Twenty-eighth Issue (June, 2003) |
Twenty-nineth Issue (August, 2003) |
Thirtieth Issue (October, 2003) |
Thirty-first Issue (December, 2003) |
Thirty-second Issue (February, 2004) |
Thirty-third Issue (April, 2004) |
Thirty-fourth Issue (June, 2004) |
Thirty-fifth Issue (August, 2004) |
Thirty-sixth Issue (October, 2004) |
Thirty-seventh Issue (December, 2004) |
Thirty-eighth Issue (February, 2005) |
Thirty-ninth Issue (April, 2005) |
Fourtith Issue (June, 2005) |
Fourty-first Issue (August, 2005) |
Fourty-second Issue (October, 2005) |
Fourty-third Issue (December, 2005) |
Fourty-fourth Issue (February, 2006) |