¡ø A delegation led by Mr. Oh Kab Kwon, Vice
Minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology of Korea paid a visit
to CAS Shanghai Institutes of Biological Sciences on Nov. 15, 2003.
¡ø Dr. Mark Aarts, from Wageningen University of Holland, paid a visit
to CAS Graduate School on Nov. 11, 2003. During his visit, Dr. Aarts talked
with researchers from Laboratory of Plant Molecular Biology and Department
of Biology, about cooperative research projects.
¡ø Dr. Stuart Macdonald from Sheffield University of UK paid a visit to
CAS Institute of Oceanology in Qingdao, Shandong Province on Nov. 17,
¡ø Prof. P. C. Brookes, a renowned agrologist from Rothamsted Experimental
Station, the world's oldest and England's most important agricultural
experiment station, was invited to visit CAS Institute of Subtropical
Agriculture on Nov. 5-11, 2003.
¡ø On Nov. 5, 2003, Dr. Georges M. Halpern, a well-known professor of University
of California, Davis, paid a visit to CAS Institute of Oceanology in Qingdao
and discussed with researchers of the Institute on issues of mutual concern.
Dr. Halpern is also the director of Research Centre for Modern Chinese
Medicine at Hong Kong Polytechnic University; science advisor to President
of France, consultant to WHO on infectious disease, fellow of the Royal
Society and member of the National Academy of Sciences.
¡ø Prof. F. Kuznetsov, academician of Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS),
Director of Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Siberian Branch of RAS and
Foreign Secretary Ms. Marina Kosinova paid a visit to CAS Shanghai Branch
and CAS Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry in mid November.
¡ø As an honored professor to the CAS Institute of Metal Research (IMR)
and an overseas expert of Shenyang Research Center for Interfacial Materials,
Prof E. Ma, from Department of Materials Science and Technology, Johns
Hopkins University of America, paid a short academic visit to IMR recently
On 8-11 Nov. 2003, The International
Conference on Electrical Machines and System (ICEMS'2003) was held
in Beijing. |