Guo Huadong, Chairman of Academic Committee, Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences [MAGE: CHINESE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES]

In response to the global COVID-19 pandemic, a Chinese Academy of Sciences program known as Big Earth Data Science Engineering (CASEarth) began to organize data and information that could help curb the outbreak. CASEarth coordinated a national effort to develop a global big data platform for coronavirus. This platform has been publishing and disseminating timely, authoritative scientific data and information concerning COVID-19, including detection methods, electron micrographs, genomes, scientific literature, results from ongoing scientific research, and a collection of virus strains from the National Pathogen Microbial Resource Bank. These resources are valuable for scientific studies on COVID-19 and for experts active in prevention and control of COVID-19 infections. In addition to COVID-19 genome data, the system has so far integrated 3,135 coronavirus genomes and 32,865 nucleic acid sequences from 20,241 strains, extracted from 496 different host types and 568 collection sites.

Source: Guo Huadong ,

 Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth,

Chinese Academy of Sciences

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