Experts giving their talks [Image: SIAT]

Scientists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Japan’s Institute of Physical and Chemical Research attended the third CAS-RIKEN Young Scientists Seminar held in Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology (SIAT) on November 4.

"The science and technology cooperation between China and Japan has not only witnessed tremendous achievements, but also played a positive role in the cultivation of young people and the improvement of academic levels," said Li Yin, Director of the Bureau of International Cooperation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

The seminar was divided into academic presentations and panel discussion. Eighteen experts from the two countries exchanged in-depth views on how to jointly promote international cooperation on various aspects of information technology and biotechnology including AI, Big Data, Smart Health, and the Internet of Things.

"RIKEN, like the Chinese Academy of Sciences in China, is committed to promoting basic scientific research and technological development," said Dr. Motoko Kotani, the executive director of RIKEN. "I sincerely hope we can maintain such a friendly cooperative relationship and expand the areas of cooperation in the future."

It was decided that the seminar will be turned into a regular dialogue mechanism between the two institutions to promote exchanges and cooperation between young scientists from both countries. Efforts will also be made to establish bilateral funding programs to support the cooperation.

Source: Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology (SIAT), Chinese Academy of Sciences

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