CAS President Bai (R) meets with EU ambassador to China Hans Dietmar Schweisgut.Photo by Wang Dongyao

CAS President Bai Chunli met with a delegation led by Dr. Hans Dietmar Schweisgut, European Union (EU) ambassador to China, in Beijing, on April 16.

Bai told the guests that CAS encourages its scientists and researchers to participate in the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, Horizon 2020.  

This year, the academy launched a CAS-EU Partner Programme to provide matching financial support to selected CAS scientists who have successfully applied for Horizon 2020 projects, Bai said. CAS will enhance cooperation with EU in fields such as mega-science facilities, life sciences and space science.  

Schweisgut said CAS scientists have played important roles in the EU Framework Programmes. He appreciated CAS’s efforts in providing match funding for Horizon 2020 projects, and expected further cooperation in mega-science facilities and other areas. 

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